Wednesday, December 14, 2011

in less than six degrees

today was an oddly warm day considering it's mid-december!
as a matter of fact, in the office, the temp was practically sizzling,
which is a wonderful segue way into today's topic. 

i saw this book at tjmaxx when i was out with my pal mango.
{photo by silly blahgs} 
mango met at dinner my buddy-buddy frehn lou,
who brought bacon chocolate chip cookies into the office.
{photo from}
one day lou was out of the office*, and the donut fairy
shot sprinkles of delightfulness in my belly with this
cream-filled, chocolate frosted, bacon topped donut,
bringing a sparkle to my eye.

{photo by silly blahgs}
but not as much of a sparkle as when
i was in hollywood with cali bff,
and we spotted the glorious star of...
mr. kevin bacon.
{photo by silly blahgs}
told you i was good at this game.

*i had saved lou half, but like i said, she was out of the office --and for a few days might i add-- so i couldn't let her half go to waste, now could i? {grin}

1 comment:

  1. I want my bacon donut, wench! ;)

    AND I brought you a bacon burrito this morning. It's like I KNEW!
